What we do
FEL projects focus on the things that matter to those they support and show them how they can make the changes they want to see. Whether it’s getting kids on bikes, growing food locally or building cohesive communities, we help them see what’s possible and give them the skills and confidence to make good things happen.
Helping people and communities thrive
Everyone we help today can support someone else tomorrow, passing on what they learn and showing that simple change can have powerful effects. By building climate literacy, social confidence and the life skills to grow, cook, repair and share, we’re creating more capable communities with bigger sustainability goals.
As well as bringing people and communities together, we’re dedicated to connecting organisations and partners too. We’ve built strong professional networks that enable everyone working in this space to share ideas and experience, find new sources of funding and work collaboratively to support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

The ebike trial gave us the chance to try cycling again as we had not had bikes for a long time. I think an e-bike gives the option of using it without power if you want and also the option of extra power if you need or want it. We go further on our e-bikes."
NHS Forth Valley
Following damage to my back it was suggested I should consider cycling to aid my rehab. The E-bike loan scheme was instrumental in helping me to understand the benefits this technology had to offer and I was hooked from the first ride. "
The cargo bike was a fantastic asset to GBT and the local community, especially throughout the pandemic. We have since thought more about how bikes can be used in all our services and how they can be used to transport local goods. "
Getting Better Together CaféHaving the opportunity to try different types of e bikes and accessories before buying takes away a lot of the risk of choosing the wrong bike to start with. This has been a really good experience, fab bikes, great advice and helpful staff, can’t ask for more."
eBike library customerI have loved having an e bike. To be honest I never really saw the point of them because bikes are for exercise however, having that boost helped me to go further safe in the knowledge I could get home It was a great experience and I’ve loved having the bike."
eBike library customerStaff that provide this scheme have been very supportive and flexible in allowing out of normal hours collections and drop off. I will encourage others to take up this scheme in future."
eBike library customerFantastic service, really appreciated the opportunity to try the cargo bike and see how much it really could be a genuine car alternative!"
eBike library customer